The MaSEA is offering our members several scholarships that can help to advance their tax expertise. Scholarship applications are being accepted from now until May 14, 2024.
The following scholarship are available:
NTPI Barbara Durkin Memorial Scholarship Award-This award is for National Tax Practice Institute (NTPI). The scholarship can be used for online or in person. Parts 1,2,3, or fellow graduate levels. Travel and lodging are not included.
NIPI Joanne Wright Memorial Scholarship Award-This award is also for National Tax Practice Institute and can be used for online or in person. Parts 1,2,3, or fellow graduate levels. Travel and lodging are not included.
Fall IRS Conference – Awards for the Fall IRS Conference includes conference fee and a Thursday overnight hotel stay. The recipient is expected to organize the MaSEA display table.
Leon Rudman Scholarship for New Members – This scholarship is for the 1040 Update. Only awarded to new members within first 2 years of joining.
MaSEA Conference Scholarship – this is for October 2024 MaSEA conference. EA Special Enrollment Exam Prep Course Scholarship
EA Special Enrollment Exam Registration Fee Scholarship as financial support options for aspiring enrolled agents.
NTPI Level one online Package scholarship for enrolled agents, CPAs, or tax attorneys interested in beginning their path to practicing IRS Representation.
If you are interested in any of the awards above, please submit a written essay explain why you would like the scholarship. Please forward to Al Juppe at