MaSEA 2020 Annual Meeting Notice
April 25, 2020
In accordance with the Bylaws of the Massachusetts Society of Enrolled Agents, Inc., Article VI, Section 6.02a, I, Beth Logan EA, call all members in good standing to the society's Annual Meeting on Thursday June 11, 2020 via Zoom. The Annual Meeting shall convene at 4:00 PM.
1. Introduction of Current Officers, Directors, and Past President
2. Secretary's Report
3. Treasurer's Report
4. Committee Reports (except Nominating)
5. Old Business
6. New Business
a. By-Law Change
b. Report of the Nominating Committee for Election of Officers and Directors
c. Election of Officers and Directors
7. Swearing in of officers
8. Awards and thank you’s
The 4pm Annual Meeting is followed by the installation of officers and directors. We are sorry that the current situation prevents us from physically meeting. MaSEA continues to work to support all members.
I encourage members to attend the annual meeting, celebrate the accomplishments of the year gone by and welcome our newly elected Board of Directors. The current board worked well this year to better serve the membership. The group kept a focus on the best interests of the Society. The MaSEA Board of Directors is excited to share the details of several grEAt upcoming FY21 planned events. We look forward to seeing you. The complete agenda and registration information will be on our MaSEA website.
Note that the Annual Meeting itself is free to all members. Please register before June 6th for the annual meeting to assist us with the webinar system. Information on the webinar and how to operate the system will be sent out in advance of the meeting. Please log on around 3:55 pm to make sure everything is working. We are sorry that we will not be holding education events on this day but please watch for new programs in the near future.
The nominating committee consisted of Immediate Past President John Warren, EA, Past President Shanti Patel, EA and former Director Judy Kellogg, EA. The committee found and recruited the most qualified candidates for officer or director positions for the upcoming governance year of 2020-2021. We thank John Warren, EA and Mark Lawless, EA for their services on the board.
Following is the slate of candidates, for year 2020-2021, recommended by the committee.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT Nando Pellegrino, EA
TREASURER John Pearson, EA
Marilyn Brodeur, EA 1st of 2 years
Nate Zielonka, EA 2nd of 2 years
Jessica Prince, EA 1st of 2 years
Nancy Lam, EA 1st of 2 years
Mamta Chowdhary, EA 1st of 2 years
Beth Logan, EA, will serve as immediate past president.
Note that Vincent Valvo of AmBiz to continue as Executive Director. Navi Persaud is our support at AmBiz.
It has been an enormous pleasure and privilege to serve as your president last year and I look forward to seeing many of you (albeit, on screen) on Thursday June 11th.
Sincerely yours,
Beth Logan, EA
MaSEA President